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Thursday, May 11, 2023

Free Fun for Everyone!

Free Offline Activities

While many people are writing about age appropriate online activities, little is being said these days about age appropriate offline activities. This post has a list of a few free offline activities that you may find useful when you are wracking your brain for something new to do with your crew. This post is inspired by a kind new friend who brought my wheelchair to me - thank you Matthew! I pray that this list might be useful to you and your crew if you are ever looking for something free to do with your crew offline. 
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Five Places to Have Free Offline Fun

There are a slew of places you can go and have free offline fun. I'm sure that quite a few more ideas to explore will come to mind as you read this quick list.
  1. Go to the library. Libraries are much more than repositories for books these days, while every library is different, most libraries have great free kid-friendly activities ranging from puppet shows, crafting,and building with Legos. They also have free activities for tweens, teens, and even old fogies like me. Many libraries offer free seeds for gardening each year, author visits, writing workshops and storytelling. In Toronto, Ontario you can even pick up free admission passes to go to a wide variety of places for free. In Niagara Falls, Ontario, you can borrow outdoor exploring gear like walking poles and snowshoes! I would love to hear what special unique things your library is offering this year. Please leave a note in the comments below and let everyone know. 
  2.  Go to the park. Get out and get some fresh air! No equipment needed! Get out and run! Have some fun playing tag, kick around an empty paper bag. If there is snow -build some snow chairs, play fox and geese, or lay down on the ground and roll around. Making snow angels can be fun too. Summer time? - lay a blanket on the ground and exercise your imagination while watching the wind move the clouds around. 
  3.  Go to the zoo. For free? Yes! There are a few free zoos still to be found around! One free zoo that I used to take my children to is in Peterborough, Ontario. Do you know where there are other free zoos? Please pop a quick note in the comments below and let everyone know. 
  4. Have fun indoors! Put pieces of white paper on the floor and use them as skates. Making blanket "forts" can be lots of fun for everyone. Need to have some quiet fun? "Monkey in the Courthouse" was a game that kept us amused for several hours at a time and very helpful if you are out somewhere having to sit very still waiting on chairs. Something else that rocks? Make puppets out ogf your socks!
  5. Go to church outreach activities. Did I hear you say,"Wait! What about the collection plate?" Did you know store front outreach style churches rarely pass a collection plate. One example, is Gate 3:16 in Oshawa, Ontario that feeds people the good news and good food too. 
What would you recommend people on a tight budget do offline with their crew? Please drop a note in the comments below before you go and let everyone know! 

About This Author

Sister Su is grateful to God for keeping her alive. She is a Trent/Queen's Concurrent Education graduate with over 20 years of teaching experience. She writes on several blogs, has a YouTube channel and is most easily reached through Twitter @Sister_Su See her link tree for more details:@Sister_Su | Linktree

This post was proofread with the free version of Grammarly

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