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Wednesday, August 2, 2023

How Canadian Seniors Can Teach Grandkids About The Value of a Dollar

One Hundred What Equals One Dollar? 

 Canada withdrew the one-cent coin from use several years ago, so it can be a little difficult to teach grandchildren the value of a dollar. This post has a clever little solution that could help those young ones understand the value of a dollar as they gradually accumulate one dollar - yup $1.00 in free postage stamps! How? By purchasing stamps at the post office on an ongoing basis!
How Purchasing Stamps Can Teach the Value of a Dollar

Purchasing six-cent stamps at a postal outlet one at a time can teach children a multitude of skills, and they will be thrilled with getting a dollar in stamps for free! 
Wondering how this works?

How Purchasing Six-Cent Stamps Teaches Patience
Since pennies - the other name for one-cent Canadian coins,  no longer exist in Canada,  how do you pay for something that costs a bit more or less than the coins in usage? When you pay cash for purchases in Canada, stores need to round the purchase price up or down. Therefore, when you purchase six cents of stamps, the tax brings the price up to seven cents, but if you pay with cash, the price must be rounded down to five cents! 
Image Postage Receipt Showing Purchase of 6 Cents Postage With One Cent Tax, but Rounded Back Down to Five Cents
Postage Receipt Showing Purchase of 6 Cents Postage With One Cent Tax, but Rounded Back Down to Five Cents

True, it will take 100 trips to the postal outlet before they accumulate one dollar in free postage stamps, and that is where patience can be learned.

Have a Great Day!
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About This Author

Sister Su is grateful to God for keeping her alive. She is a Trent/Queen's Concurrent Education graduate with over 20 years of teaching experience. She writes on several blogs, has a YouTube channel and is most easily reached through Twitter @Sister_Su See her link tree for more details:@Sister_Su | Linktree

This post was proofread with the free version of Grammarly

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