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Sunday, November 14, 2021

Canadian Seniors Facing Dementia Diagnosis Seek Resources

Canadian Seniors Facing Alzheimer Diagnosis Face Great Hurdles

Canadian seniors facing a diagnosis of Alzheimer's often face incredibly large hurdles. According to the most recent data available, more than 402,000 seniors are living with dementia in Canada. About two-thirds of Canadian seniors living with dementia are women. Each year, approximately 76,000 new cases of dementia are diagnosed in Canada. This post offers a few links to resources that may be helpful.
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Mike & Me: An Inspiring Guide for Couples Who Choose to Face Alzheimer’s Together at Home - Audiobook Download
Mike & Me: Hear AudiobooksNow Sample Here

Canadian Resources for Battling Dementia Diagnoses 

When my father and mother grew older, there were times that we thought that they had perhaps developed Dementia, but it turned out that they were overmedicated! There are many things that can cause people to appear to have signs of Dementia or Alzheimer's such as their blood being too thin and not carrying enough oxygen to the brain. If you have a loved one that appears to be exhibiting signs of Alzheimer's or Dementia, it is important to get more than one opinion if possible.

Canadian Government Resources for Those Facing an Alzheimer Diagnosis

Canadian Dementia Non-Profits

Reducing Dementia Risk Factors

The risk of developing dementia can be reduced throughout your life. The World Health Organization's guidelines on risk reduction of cognitive decline and dementia include: 
  • managing diabetes 
  • managing high blood pressure 
  • managing unhealthy cholesterol levels 
  • quitting smoking 
  • being physically active 
  • keeping a healthy weight following a healthy eating pattern 
  • reducing or quitting harmful alcohol use
Additional risk factors include depression, social isolation, low educational attainment, cognitive inactivity and air pollution.
Source:Dementia (

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About This Author

Sister Su is grateful to God for keeping her alive. She writes on several blogs, has a YouTube channel and is most easily reached through Twitter @Sister_Su 
This post was proofread by the free version of Grammarly

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