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Monday, June 28, 2021

Canadian Seniors Needed for Mystery Shopping!

Mystery Shopping Seniors Increase Their Quality of Life!

Many Canadian Seniors supplement their budgets by doing mystery shopping. Have you been wondering about giving mystery shopping a try?
Senior Couple with shopping bags made in claymation style media free image from Pixabay Link opens in a new tab on the artists' Pixabay profile
Senior Shopping Couple Image by Julien Tromeur from Pixabay

Note: Posts on this blog have referral links that can help our authors eat when you shop through them. Want to join in the writing fun? Pop a note in the comments below.

How Mystery Shopping Might Help Increase Your Revenues

There are many valid mystery shopping companies. Some companies provide excellent training, while others expect you to have prior experience. A valid mystery shopping company will not ask you to pay to join or to get assignments. 

Usually, you will be required to make a purchase, for which you will be reimbursed. There are also some mystery shopping assignments that do not require you to make a purchase at all - such as a phone call shop or website assessment. 

When you first start mystery shopping, you may need to accept lower-paying assignments or reimbursement shops in the beginning. However, as schedulers discover that you are reliable and you can write reports objectively, you can be offered much higher pay for similar assignments.

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 is a legitimate mystery shopping company that offers good training and support in a mystery shopping forum. Whether you are just curious or wishing to get some extra income, you may wish to sign up and give mystery shopping a try.

Mystery Shopping First Steps Tips

Mystery shopping application forms can be time-consuming. If you follow these 3 steps, you'll find it can save you a bundle of time. These tips should help you get off to a great start in mystery shopping.

Mystery Shopping Three Simple Start-Up Steps

  1.  Set up a separate free email for your mystery shopping. I suggest Gmail for lots of reasons. 
  2. Download RoboForm. It's free and it can really help when filling in tons of forms. 
  3. Start preparing a database, or list of answers for job application forms (most forms are identical). Having your answers ready ahead of time will make it much faster to get your applications in so you'll be working sooner. Remember to use Grammarly to check your spelling and grammar, then copy and paste your answers into the forms.

What Mystery Shopping Companies Want

Mystery shopping companies are looking for people who are: reliable, self-starters; who state facts, not opinions; can blend in with the regular customers, think on their feet; have good writing skills; and are non-judgemental.
Could mystery shopping be a way for you to make some extra money or improve your standard of living? I highly recommend iSecretshop as a good place to start.

Attention Frugal Bloggers!

Do you have a blog? Would you like to promote great savings tips on your blog too?
Sign up for these free affiliate marketing programs:

About This Author

Sister Su is grateful to God for keeping her alive. She writes on a number of blogs, has a YouTube channel and is most easily reached through Twitter @Sister_Su Sister Su is an OoohShinyThings Rep.
This post was proofread by the free version of Grammarly

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