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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Uterine, Bladder, Kidney Ultrasound Taking Tips!

 Holding Water Tips for Nether Region Ultrasound Procedures

Facing an ultrasound that requires you to drink a litre of water? Becoming apprehensive as the date looms closer and closer? Here's a bit of bad poetry as well as a few tips that may help you get through that procedure valiantly. If you have more tips to share, please pop a note in the comments down there.
Ultasound Equipment Image by falco from Pixabay

Holding sufficient water for an ultrasound,
And keeping it from flowing onto the ground,
Can be tricky as we age, 
So here are a few tips that are sage,
That may help you keep your grip 
For your next ultrasound trip.
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4 Tips to Help  Prevent Drips on Your Next Ultrasound Trip

I recently had to go for an ultrasound to check for Pancreatic Cancer. The experience I went through may be something that will help you too.
  1. Try to get an early morning appointment. Anxiety often increases feelings of urgency.
  2. Think sad thoughts. You may love to laugh, but this is not the time for that.
  3. Take an extra cup or two along with you in case you do lose a drop or two.
  4. Avoid looking at scenes like these, for they often increase feelings of urgency.
Do you have some tips to decrease urgency? 
Please add them in the comments below before you go :)
or come Tweet Me

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